Acupuncture from a Physiological (more scientific) Point of View
Acupuncture from the Lens of Eastern Medicine
A lesser-known fact is that acupuncture is only a part of a larger system of medicine that includes many other limbs.The following limbs/components of TCM are listed in order from the most basic, in other words, ones that are best integrated into every day life, to the most invasive which are in fact, acupuncture and herbal medicine! Imagine that, TCM’s most invasive modalities are some of the least invasive things you can do from the lens of modern medicine. From this list, one can deduce that this is more than a system of medicine, it is in fact a way of life. Through our sessions, I hope to broaden your vision and open the door to this balance, peaceful way of life for you.
What makes
Holistically Inspired holistic?
Common physical conditions that are supported with acupuncture include:
From my experience in the clinic I’ve observed that mental support is the second most common category of ailments people tend to seek treatment with acupuncture for. The “mental” category holds a special place in my heart because psychology was and always will remain, my first passion. Collectively, we are beginning to realize more and more how much our mental health actually does affect us. Stress, anxiety, repressed grief and depression are some of the main causes of disease in Eastern medicine and until past traumas–both micro and macro are worked with and processed then healing will stagnate.
Common mental conditions that are supported with acupuncture include:
Common emotional conditions that are supported with acupuncture include:
This category has morphed and changed over the years and now, the main area I think of in regards to your energetic body is the etherical chakra system that resides on the astral plane. The Chakras are a tremendous healing tool and they contribute more to our everyday life than one could even imagine. Once I began working with the chakras in conjunction with acupuncture, people made dramatic improvements in their mental, emotional, and physical health and cleared blocks that they didn’t even realize were holding them back.
Common energetic conditions that are supported with acupuncture include: