Hi! I’m Holly…

… and I absolutely love what I do. I’m living proof that when you surrender to the Universe, you will indeed be guided down the path that is meant for you. Throughout the course of my life with its multitude of teaching moments and heart shattering lessons, I have somehow landed on my feet doing work in my own way that I can’t wait to wake up to every morning.
The process unfolded for me as a little girl, watching and observing the crippling impact grief can have on a family. I knew from a young age that helping others was intricately woven in my DNA… I just had to help myself first.
I found acupuncture during a severely challenging time in my own life and I credit everything else that has come after to this. As I became immersed in studying this ancient medicine, everything in my being began to shift.
I was directed toward wonderful teachers in other fields as well, yoga, esoteric acupuncture, reiki, and beyond. All showing me things in a different light than what was “mainstream”.
The acupuncture I practice, the yoga I teach, the way I coach and interact are all so different. At one point I even remember asking the Universe, “Why can’t I just be normal?”
Years later, and I’m so happy I’m not “normal”. I’m so grateful for my path because without it I would not know how to even begin working with others. Sometimes you need to crawl yourself out of the muck and the mud again and again to fully understand another’s struggle.
I’m Holly and I’ll be your biggest fan while still holding you completely accountable because I believe in your ability to also rise.

Dear Holistic Soul,

My true passion is helping you connect deeper to YOU.

In the go-go-go world in which we live, you will regularly come face to face with people trying to tell you what you should do. You will be constantly bombarded by health professionals, influencers, and even family members and friends that believe they know what is best for you, what will work.

That is not my intention for you. No, my job, and I take it very seriously, is to help you connect to your gut so that you know what you need and how to best take care of yourself…always.
For this reason, my process looks drastically different than anything you may have seen before. To truly experience change, there is no other way, a big part of our system of healthcare is broken and I am simply done accepting that. No more do I want you to be thought of as a number, a 10-minute appointment, or lab results that come back “normal”.
Autoimmune conditions, hormone imbalance, mood disorders, chronic digestive complaints, and ongoing pain are oftentimes the result of lifetimes of people pleasing and putting others first. What’s more is they often go undiagnosed and belittled to the point where you feel hopelessly defeated.
It’s time to flip the script and put you back in the driver’s seat. It’s time you take charge of your life in a way that enables you to live in a way you might never have before- vibrant, free, and authentically happy.

With the utmost compassion,

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