Tiers of Treatment

We have the right plan for you

Before You Book

*I do not bill insurance directly, superbills and itemized receipts are available for insurance reimbursement and/or City of Fort Collins employees. Health Savings Accounts are also accepted! If you’re curious as to if my services will be covered by your provider, please reach out to your insurance company in advance and ask if they will reimburse you for an out-of-network provider.
After we meet for the initial intake, I will recommend which of the following tiers of treatment I believe would be the best for you. I vow to always be honest with you. Many will start with the 90-minute or 2-hour session and quickly work their way into a 60-minute or even a 30-minute tune-up. Just remember, in order to heal, you have to put the time in, acupuncture does not work if you only do it once.

Since we will have to work regularly and consistently at the beginning of our time together, I offer a one-time package that consists of 5 sessions to help you get the extensive part of your treatments under your belt and not break the bank. Those prices and discounts are listed below for your convenience, after the 5 are done, if you decide to continue treatment with me, we will come up with an optimal treatment regimen for you and those will be paid for individually. 

** The offerings below are for return clients, a 2-hour initial intake and full acupuncture treatment is required for all new patients. At this time we can discuss which option is right for you. 

The Holistic

60-minute sessions
$110/ session, or 5 initial pre-paid $500
(savings of $50, one time only,
must purchase in person)

This is what most people think of in regard to an acupuncture session. It runs from 50-60 minutes and consists of a brief (10-15 minute) intake where we briefly check in with the body, mind, and spirit. This is suitable for clients that are fairly well-balanced and have only 1-2 main issues of concern. For example, a shoulder injury, digestive complaint, insomnia, etc.

This session will be one-sided, (face up or face down) for the entire time, roughly 40 minutes. It is important to note that the 60-minute sessions are only for acupuncture and do not include energy/chakra work or sound bowls, there simply isn't enough time to do it all in 60-minutes. 

A simplified treatment,
ideal for:

  • Regular clients who have put the initial work in to get to a place of balance.
  • Those looking for a tune-up and/or stress relief. 
  • New clients that are fairly balanced and have only 1-2 troublesome issues. 
  • Those only interested in acupuncture and do not want the "extras" such as energy work, essential oils, and sound bowls. 
  • Those whose main complaint is musculoskeletal related 

The Holistic Enthusiast

90-minute sessions
*most common
$160/session or 5 initial pre-paid $725
(savings of $75, one time only,
must purchase in person)

Most people will benefit from a 90-minute session, even if it seems like a long time initially. Like a lot of things in our fast-paced world, many acupuncture clinics have taken on a “turn & burn” approach and acupuncture has started to feel very sterile and factory-like. If you haven’t already put this together, this is not how I like to practice. To treat you best, we need a thorough intake each time that functions much like a coaching session and a two-sided treatment with all the bells and whistles. The tuning forks, essential oils, moxa, energy work, crystals, cupping, gua sha… truly, whatever you need. When we have more time, there are no limitations as to what we can accomplish, we do not need to rush, and you get a true reset. 

An extensive treatment,
ideal for:

  • Clients who have multiple issues of concern, 3+ 
  • Those looking for a complete session that includes a variety of modalities, such as orthopedic acupuncture (dry needling), cupping, and mental/emotional support. 
  • Those needing a longer time to talk/communicate with a complete breakdown of nutrition, hormones, life circumstances, etc. 
  • Returning clients who enjoy the extended relaxation treatment and want to work on both sides of their body. 
  • hose whose main complaint is autoimmune, hormonal, digestive, and/or mental emotional will be best served with this extensive session. 

The Holistic Warrior

2 hr. Coaching & Acupuncture
 $200 or 5 initial pre-paid $900
(savings of $100, one time only,
must purchase in person) 

This is the tier of treatment catered to those who need an extensive reset. The primary imbalances I work with in this realm are hormonal (endocrine), autoimmune, mental/emotional, and dietary. In the two hours, we will talk extensively, and depending on your needs this will look different from person to person. For some, we will look at your hormone and/or blood panels, for others we will work with specific dietary approaches. Everything in the treatment options described above will be included here, but with the extended time, we will dive more into things like yoga, somatics, meditation, journaling, etc. This is flexible and fluid based on your needs. 

An extensive treatment and
coaching session,
ideal for:

  • Those whose main complaint is autoimmune, hormonal, digestive, and/or mental emotional will be best served with this extensive session. 
  • Those looking for a complete session that includes a variety of modalities, such as orthopedic acupuncture (dry needling), cupping, and mental/emotional support.
  • Those needing a longer time to talk/communicate with a complete breakdown of nutrition, hormones, life circumstances, etc.
  • Those in need of labs and analysis.
  • Clients who have multiple issues of concern, 3+, and require a substantial health overhaul

For Our Most Serious Clients

Holistic Goddess
(Facial Acupuncture)

90-minute sessions | $200 or 5 initial pre-paid $900 (savings of $100, one time only)

Facial acupuncture is truly all your self-care indulgences rolled into one and tied up in a pretty little bow. Facial acupuncture at Holistically Inspired utilizes multiple techniques from TCM, aromatherapy, and stone medicine. The treatment is incredibly effective because it works on the face, neck, décolleté AND the underlying systems and mechanisms that have led to things like premature aging or acne. With one treatment you get the powerful combination of ancient wisdom and modern day, in-house crafted cleansing oils, facial mists, and light therapy. This is by far one of my favorite treatments to share and also to do on myself because I for one understand how busy and sometimes financially strapped a modern day woman can be! Women give everything they have to their loved ones and careers, it is important to also convey a sense a worthiness, and there is no better way to do it than with a Holistically Inspired acupuncture facial.

  • First, I’ll apply a cleansing oil (prepared in house) to the skin with light massage and tui na techniques to soften the skin, jaw, and relax the entire body. 
  • Then, we’ll work into the face, neck, and décolleté with gua sha and facial cupping (don’t worry, this type of cupping will NOT leave large, round circle marks on your face.) 
  • Then, we’ll wipe the oil from the skin with aloe vera and lavender soaked 100% pure cotton rounds. 
  • While the skin dries and settles, I’ll go to work accessing your chakras, pulses, and determine a treatment that will best serve the entire body while strategically placing distal points to amplify the effects of the facial treatment. (see more on this under my style if you’d like to learn more) 
  • Then, facial needles will be placed. Depending on the type of treatment, various techniques will be used including muscle release, “turtling” (where you surround a blemish or particular area), and inserting tiny, tiny needles into fine lines. There are surrounding facial and ear points also used to again amplify the treatment. 
  • After I’ll place the celluma light therapy machine over your face for 30 minutes. The celluma is an incredible machine with lots of documented benefits and research, you can read more about it’s efficacy here.
  • After the 30 minutes is up, we’ll remove all the needles and roll the face out with a chilled arnica cotton pads and my ice roller to reduce inflammation, tone down redness, and offset any bruising that may occur. The face is very vascular and a small bruise here or there is very normal, it actually means more blood flow is coming to the surface so in the end, the results will be better. Any bruising is temporary and typically very mild. 
  • Finally, a specific, in-house crafted face mist is misted on the face, neck, and décolleté. 
  • Lastly, we work to ground you deeply with some foot work with tuning forks, essential oils, and moxibustion. Facial acupuncture brings a lot of blood flow to the head so this step allows you to leave feeling glowing and grounded.
Who is this specialty treatment for?
  • Anyone that wants to work with a holistic approach to their skin and avoid botox, fillers, and other harsh applications on their face. 
  • This is NOT for use during pregnancy. As mentioned above, this treatment brings too much blood flow to the head and during pregnancy, the uterus and your growing baby need all of that extra blood, Qi, and love. We can resume or begin treatments after delivery. Usually I recommend treatments to get you back on your feet, balanced and supported first and then we can ease into the more detailed facial treatments. 
What is the recommended frequency of treatment and prognosis?
  • For best results, 10 treatments weekly are recommended. I understand that this is a best-case scenario and this is not conducive to all individuals. I will work with you based on your desires and your needs at the first appointment. 
  • After the 10 sessions, a follow-up preventative treatment plan of anywhere from 2-4 weeks apart is optimal. This depends greatly on your type of skin, at-home maintenance routine, and underlying health. I will always provide you with a genuine and honest “best course” and then we can work together from there. 
  • Prognosis depends on treatment regularity, at-home care, lifestyle, diet, and hormone health. If the client is committed, results and prognosis are very good.
What is the cost?
  • The treatment is 90-minutes and the cost is $200. This includes only a front treatment, we have a lot to do in just 90-minutes! If cupping or a back treatment is desired at the time of treatment, we will extend the treatment to 2 hours and the cost is $260. 
  • If you'd like to take advantage of the package deal for the full treatment of $260, please inquire directly during your initial intake. 

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