To Make or Not to Make... A Traditional Perspective on New Year's Resolutions

Jan 5 / Holly Pelletier
Don’t get me wrong, I used to love making New Year’s Resolutions. I’d spend days planning my vision for the future, New Year, New Me right?! Theoretically, it is a very exciting time filled with fresh starts, new energy, and a promise for personal growth and betterment. So why then do so many resolutions end with letdown, failure, and discouragement?

Let’s look at this time-honored practice a little further, shall we?

A Glimpse into the Wisdom of the
Five Elements 

Years and years ago a classification system was developed for optimal health. It categorized everything by way of the 5 elements, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Colors, body parts, organ systems, seasons, sounds, and emotions all fit into this system and it has been a key part of all aspects of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) for decades.

TCM includes various limbs such as meditation, acupuncture, Qi Gong, nutrition, herbs, astrology, and living under the rule of the seasons. This last one is where we will focus our energy today; though it may sound a bit esoteric, following the path of Mother Earth and honoring her cycles and energy is one of the most powerful tools for preventative health.

We’ve strayed so far from this that it seems trite or insubstantial, but it is far from that. The work has already been put in for us, the theory is sound, the practice has withstood the incredible tests of time, and all we have to do is follow and honor it.

Taking all of this into consideration, let’s zoom in on January energetics and wintertime in the northern hemisphere; the time of year that is characterized by the element, Water.

Water Time 

Winter equals Water time. The energy (and temperature) of Winter varies based on which hemisphere you live in, and if your ‘Winter’ happens to take place in the southern hemisphere where temperatures are warmer, this time of year may be optimal for resolutions and goal setting. If that is the case for you, I recommend reading to the end of this post and then determining what makes the most sense for you based on the climate/area you live in.

For our focus on New Year resolution and goal setting, today, we’ll place our attention on the northern hemisphere where Winter is mainly cold and gloomy.

The Water element is altogether introspective and quiet. It carries the essence and has been categorized as “the philosopher”. If you consider the wisest and most philosophical people you know, they hold the power of slow and steady endurance. They speak wisely and maybe less often, but what they say reverberates a great impact on all who listen.

Water energy is powerful until it is overwhelmed with too much activity and focus on the external world where it will quickly get depleted and imbalanced. When this happens, Water will become withdrawn, detached, and lose its awareness of self. You can look at this in terms of the actual element, people that hold a lot of Water characteristics, and how people generally respond in a Water season, aka Winter.

With this wisdom, we can deduce that the path to optimal health, energy, and yes, ironically goal setting (and crushing) is one of introspection, quiet, and tortoise-like energy in the Wintertime. If you dive head-first into insurmountable resolutions, and go-go-go, ‘New Year, New Me’ mentality, you will inevitably find yourself in a place of overwhelm, imbalance, and giving up.

What about that Capricorn energy?

Lastly, because astrology is indeed an important aspect of TCM, I want to shed some light on that powerful goal-directed, task-crushing Capricorn energy. December 21st- January 20th, when the sun is in Capricorn is an excellent time for reflection, deducing what is working or isn’t working in your life and your work, and planning for the year ahead. With this thought, you don’t need to give up completely on New Year goal setting, but for optimal success, you can do so in a slightly different, more introspective way.

Holding space for both Water and Capricorn energy, your greatest path to success in 2025 will be one of slow, steady, intentional reflection and goal setting. One that involves optimizing more quiet, inward tasks for the Winter months and prioritizing the goals that need a lot of forward action and extroverted energy for the warmer, firey, Summer, and Spring months. Start small and be intentional, holding space for earlier nights, later mornings, reading, writing, and lots of restorative yoga and pranayama.

Sending love, light, and steady forward progress with you into 2025,

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