Mar 14 / Holly

A Simple Practice in Manifestation

A Simple Practice in Manifestation

Have you ever wondered about manifestation? It is such a popular new-age topic, therefore many influencers and bloggers are posting about it regularly. For me, this brings up a few red flags. As someone who has based their entire business model on traditional practices and healing modalities, “new-age” alerts my spidey sense if you will.

It wasn’t until I began studying the development of the chakra system and how it relates to our psychological development that I began to see how the puzzle piece of manifestation fits into the overall holistic practice. I see now that it is actually a seamless step in my work with clients. This deep work involves examining energetic blocks due to past traumas (both micro and macro.) In time, manifestation fits in effortlessly as people begin to grow their self-worth and confidence.

I know this can seem like a lot, but let’s be honest, if you’ve navigated here I’m sure this is most likely right up your alley. Today, I want to provide you with a very simple practice that anyone can do to call in more abundance, more authentic joy, and more of literally… anything! 

This is a simple journaling exercise I enjoy doing in the evening before I drift off into dreamland. It helps me reflect on the good in my life, and when you honor what you like, you organically call in more of that. I used to think if I was grateful for something in my life, that the universe would keep giving me more of that, so I would stay stuck. Again, this is part of that new-age rhetoric that can bring confusion for people. Gratitude is the quickest way to raise your vibration… it will not… whatsoever limit you! 


Following is a 3 part journaling activity that is super simple, super effective, and can immediately raise your vibration and elevate your mood authentically: 

  1. Write down 5 things you are grateful for today. Try to be very specific to both that day and whatever it is you feel gratitude for. For instance, instead of just writing, “I’m grateful for my dog.” Try, “I’m grateful for cuddling with my dog in the calm of the early morning hours.”

  2. Write down 5 AMAZING things that happened to you today. Maybe a client canceled which initially bummed you out to the max, but you had time to instead get an iced coffee and sit outside in the sun?! If you trust that things are always working out for you, then you can start to see the reasoning behind those “apparent” letdowns. With time, you will see them as amazingly serendipitous moments. Try to really get in touch with some of those amazing things that were presented to you today.

  3. Write 5 things you’d like to call in (manifest). This can be energetic, with more of a focus on the feeling behind them, or very real and tangible things. I usually have a mix of both on my lists. Write them in the present tense, almost as if you already have them in your life.


By starting with very real gratitudes and events that happened in your life and transitioning to the things you want, the brain feels like you already have them. You can feel the excitement come into your being and you start to embrace that higher vibration needed to hold space for those “bigger” manifestations. 

Now, again, this is not magic. This comes when you put in the work to organically and authentically shift your capacity to “hold” those higher vibe things. This is simply a tool that will help you connect to gratitude and your faith and trust in the universe. This work is best done in conjunction with some form of energy work like acupuncture and or reiki and some form of talk therapy or coaching. I want to stress that this is again, a part of a holistic practice but it is not the ONLY part. Spoken from experience, you cannot expect to manifest all the things you want in your life without also looking into your past wounds and triggers. 

I love doing this work with clients, do you think you’re a good fit for acupuncture, reiki, and/or coaching? If so, send me an email here to set up a discovery call. And/or join our free Holistically Inspired community off of social media to explore more of these concepts.

Here’s to abundance,

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